Vegas Eye: You know you’ve seen this….

Just about everyone who has lived in Las Vegas for more than 20 years has driven past this place. When was the last time you drove by?

This is smack dab in middle of a historic neighborhood in Las Vegas...

1. Where is this?
2. When was it built?
3. Do you know the current name of the property is
4. What is the name of the neighborhood and for extra credit how many famous Las Vegans lived within a mile of this location over the last 30 years?

More about the Vegas Eye mystery photo game:

1) Anyone can play! If you think you know the location of the place or landmark pictured in the mystery photo(s) and can answer the accompanying questions, please post your responses as a comment below. Locations and landmarks are all located within a 35-mile radius of Las Vegas City Hall.

2) We invite you to contribute mystery photos to Vegas Eye and pose your own puzzle questions. If you’d like to contribute, please keep in mind that a good subject for a mystery photo should be unique in some way. There should be subtle but identifiable visual clues in the photo to help players solve the puzzle. Please send photos and puzzle questions to Vegas Eye at this address. (Please submit high resolution photos. Full-size images straight from your camera are best.)

3) If the players and contributors of this Vegas Eye game are unable to completely solve the questions posed by Vegas Eye, than Vegas Eye will be compelled to provide and post answers within a 30-day period of the original post. Participants in this Vegas Eye game will be awarded some level of bonus points for solving these puzzles within the thirty-day period. The calibration of the relative value of these bonus points is still be determined. However, in October 2010, Tom Herbertson was able to deduce and otherwise figure out all of the mystery locations shown here and he won two official “Living-Las-Vegas Staff coffee mugs.”

4) We invite you to subscribe to the Vegas Eye Mystery Photo feature so you’ll have the first shot at solving each week’s puzzle.


2 responses on “Vegas Eye: You know you’ve seen this….

  1. Steve,

    You need to start identifying these places you know them….


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