News from the International Photo Booth Expo

A DSLR Marquee Photo Booth in action at the International Photo Booth Expo.
Photo by Diane Taylor

I’m not one who knows much about photo booths. Growing up, I only knew about the booths with the curtains in public places and they seemed to be around a long time. And lately I have not attended many weddings to see how (and if) wedding entertainment has changed.

But last Wednesday, I attended the International Photo Booth Expo at the South Point Hotel Casino and Spa. I learned a lot. Times have changed when it comes to photo booths. The curtains are gone and in their place are slick stand-alone photo stands or 360-degree cameras and internal WI-Fi. The Expo also featured a number of DJ booths as well (apparently photo booths and DJ’s are often paired at events) but the principal focus of the event was photo booths.

The Expo, founded by Rob Savicks, is just eight years old, but the marketing slogan is “the world’s largest trade show for photo booth rental companies, manufacturers and suppliers.” An estimated 4,000 people were expected to attend the expo with 130 exhibitors.

An important attraction for the show were the expo speakers who had subjects such as “Stop Selling Photo Booths and Music and Start Selling the Experience,” “17 Ways You’re Killing New Sales Opportunities,” “Photo Booths Beyond Weddings: Making Money with Other Events,” and “How to ‘Move Your Camera’ to Achieve ‘AMAZING’ ‘OMG’ Moving Shots.” The event for attendees also included evening mixers and even a poker tournament.

Check out the video below from the International Photo Booth Expo:


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