KBIS is part of Design and Construction Week in Las Vegas.
Photo by Diane Taylor
The 60-year-old Kitchen and Bath Industry Show (KBIS), sponsored by NKBA (National Kitchen & Bath Association), has always been one of my favorite shows. I will remember the 2024 show for reasons beyond beautiful stoves and chilled glasses (which I will remember as well.)
I drove to the Las Vegas Convention Center, saw parking in the front lots, but found as I drove in that the entrance to the parking area was closed. As I wove my way around, I asked a young man in uniform where parking was. He told me to turn left on Paradise and turn left again at Desert Inn. OK, that would take me to parking behind the convention center. I followed directions and entered a parking area. When I got to the folks who seemed to be in charge, I asked where the entrance to parking was, and I was told “for employees only,” so out I went.
I found my way to the road north of the convention center. I was tempted to just go home, but I found an entrance to a parking lot west of the new West Hall. A number of cars were coming out of the entrance. A man at the entrance took one look at me and my car and suggested I was disabled. I did not answer. The man said OK you can enter and pointed me to a roadway where a gentleman charged me $15 and I parked. (Had I really been disabled the long walk ahead of me would have been impossible.)
I found my way into the West Hall, got a badge, discovered that part of KBIS was in that hall, and I was off. Video camera in hand I eventually had enough footage for a story. I had purchased a new bunch of memory cards, so I knew uploading would be easy.
I was wrong. Home again, I quickly uploaded my film only to discover I did everything too quickly and part of the film (Apple told me) stayed somewhere in the camera and couldn’t be downloaded into this column. I spent two hours (or maybe more) trying to fix my problem. The loss of time meant no time at a local casino which probably saved me at least $100.
And so, my report from KBIS is not a video, but photos below. I was able to extract the photos from the not-downloadable video. Enjoy!

Photo by Diane Taylor

Photo by Diane Taylor

Photo by Diane Taylor

Photo by Diane Taylor

Photo by Diane Taylor

Photo by Diane Taylor

Photo by Diane Taylor

Photo by Diane Taylor

Photo by Diane Taylor

Photo by Diane Taylor

Photo by Diane Taylorr

Photo by Diane Taylor

Photo by Diane Taylor
That looks like a great convention! But, it’s a “hard no” for the bath tub!
Refrigerators are essential for keeping food fresh and reducing waste. Today’s models offer great features like energy efficiency, adjustable shelves, and smart controls. Choosing a fridge with the right size and energy rating ensures both convenience and cost savings