Last Thursday I visited Bellagio’s Conservatory and Botanical Gardens. Last Thursday was also the date of the most recent Republican debates. The Bellagio featured its Chinese New Year display. The theme of the display: “The year of the monkey”. Somehow it all fit.
Asian visitors are very welcome in Las Vegas, so even while the 170,000 CES visitors were in town, the Bellagio’s magnificent gardens were “under construction” keeping visitors at bay as the gardens changed from a holiday theme to Chinese New Year. The new display opened January 8th and will run through March 12th.
As most Las Vegas locals and regular visitors know, admission to the Bellagio Conservatory and Botanical Gardens is free, and the spectacle of so many live flowers decorating garden displays is worth all the time one can give it. I enjoy looking at the people as much as the displays. Last Thursday, I saw babies in strollers, a gentleman on crutches, couples, groups, Asian, Middle-Eastern, Hispanic, Black and Caucasian folks of all ages. I even found two delightful young people dressed for their wedding later in the afternoon.

Photo by Diane Taylor

Photo by Diane Taylor

Photo by Diane Taylor

Photo by Diane Taylor

Photo by Diane Taylor

Photo by Diane Taylor

Photo by Diane Taylor

Photo by Diane Taylor

Photo by Diane Taylor

Photo by Diane Taylor
That looks beautiful, I’ll have to go check it out before it closes. People watching is one of the best things to do on the strip; you are always sure to encounter a unique mixture of people and cultures.
Great article, Diane!